Mafia II: Definitive Edition is here, but the question is, does the story remain just as compelling a decade into the future? Now, 10 years later that same story has made a return, with an upgraded graphics engine and a tonne of DLC in one fancy package. It was an enthralling tale and once it had its hooks in you, it practically begged for you to find out just what happens next.

The game had a few issues here and there, but they were completely outshone by just how good the story was. The tale of Vito Scarletta and his rise through the ranks of organised crime in a fictional version of Chicago.
It is a great weekend experience, if you have a free one.Mafia II: Definitive Edition – Triumphant Storytelling Returns PC, Xbox One, PS4Ģ010 saw the release of one of the best crime tales ever told in video game format.
The game will keep you entertained for a while but can be completed rather quickly, making it something worth picking up at a discounted price rather than full retail. Overall Mafia II manages to deliver a great package to gamers with an imersive story, but lacks in anything to do once it is over.

I did encounter a number of bugs the worst of which was that my PS3 froze on several occasions, once during a loading screen (luckily my file had saved and was not set back). This makes me wonder if they originally intended to go a different rout other than the open world sand boxed style game, deviating from the predecessor. However, this work also to somewhat hindrance the games, as there is never really much things to do outside of the main story since there are no side missions. Similar to the style of GTA you can free roam the streets or go straight to your next objective, however unlike GTA I can't recall ever having two main story objectives at once, which works well to give more of a deeper plot driven story since you have a clear path to take at all times. When you return you take on your daily missions that help you to establish a name for yourself and being to gain trust within the 'Families' of Empire Bay. Without going into too much depth you play as Vito Scaletta, an American immigrant sent to fight in the war after being arrested for steeling. Mafia II manages to engross the player in it's well crafted story with interesting characters and surprising plot twists. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This along with a bad AI and bugs makes the game not as good as it could have been. These missions could have been much better if you had someone with you telling stories on that gas ticket selling tour but nope, you had to it all by yourself. The thing is, we all know that they want to get the feeling of starting from square one, but making us bored and frustrated isn't the best idea. Prepare yourself to stack boxes, sell gas tickets (terrible) and other boring stuff. The early missions is nothing else than crap. My main complaints is about the very rough start. The subtle flirting with the original Mafia is great, and the world are nicely modeled. These two things alone really shows how much time that went in to this title. There are two things which holds this game together, The story and the mid-game switch (which Im not gonna spoil).

We can start of with the good part and that is, when the credits roll, you feel that the it was worth it. We can start of with the good part and that is, when the credits roll, you feel that the Mafia II is a good game, but its not without flaws. Mafia II is a good game, but its not without flaws. For now, this is an awesome gangster game. If you can't abuse women and men in the next Mafia 3, then I'm not buying. I liked it except a few political caveats and disappointment with the game company. Mafia delivers the feeling that your a real outlaw and can do whatever you want. What I think should be correct is that the mafia should hurt both genders equally, especially in a game that is basically a nasty sandbox. This was a political decision on account of the game company to prevent negative attention from sexist "feminists." and moms who buy their kids anything, but get mad when they see violence toward women. I was really disappointed that in a game where your a raging gunmen, you can do everything but hurt women. The only downside is that you can't fight hand to hand with women characters. The level of swearing is not harsh, but comical. It genuinely feels like you've been transported to the past. You collect nude playboy photos and abuse the cops. It genuinely feels like you've What can I say, this is a GTA in the 1950s. What can I say, this is a GTA in the 1950s.